Vestibular Disorder Mental Health Counselling & Retraining Therapy

Take Control Back from your Vestibular Disorder

Welcome to our vestibular disorder counselling service. We understand the unique challenges that individuals facing vestibular disorders encounter.  Our team of dedicated professionals is here to provide tailored support, ensuring you’re not alone on your journey towards improved mental well-being.

Our counsellors are experts; why? They also have a vestibular disorder and can support you with empathy and understanding.

Understanding Vestibular Disorders:

Vestibular disorders, such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and Ménière’s Disease as examples, can significantly impact adults’ lives.

BPPV involves sudden and intense bouts of dizziness triggered by specific head movements. Ménière’s Disease affects hearing and balance, leading to vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. These disorders can disrupt daily routines, causing stress and anxiety.

    Effects on Adults

    BPPV can lead to disorientation, making routine tasks challenging. Ménière’s Disease’s symptoms can create a sense of isolation due to unpredictable vertigo attacks and the potential for hearing impairment.

    Such experiences can take a toll on emotional well-being and quality of life.

      A man who is sat in his wheelchair, he has a complete (paraplegia) spinal cord injury
      A elderly man in his 60's sat at his desk at home. He has a tie on and looks relaxed. He has started parkinson's disease counselling.


      Living with vestibular disorders often results in various mental health challenges:

      Anxiety: The unpredictability of vertigo attacks can lead to heightened anxiety and worry about triggering episodes in public or unfamiliar settings.

      Depression: The disruption of daily life, isolation, and uncertainty can contribute to feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

      Social Isolation: Vestibular disorders may limit social interactions, leading to feelings of loneliness and withdrawal from social activities.

      Loss of Identity: The sudden onset of symptoms can challenge one’s sense of self and identity, causing emotional distress.

      Coping Struggles: Difficulty in coping with symptoms and adjusting to a changed lifestyle can lead to increased stress.

      Our solution is to offer Individualised Counseling with our experienced Psychotherapists who provide personalised sessions to address your specific emotional and psychological needs.

        Why DisabilityPlus?

              When you choose our vestibular disorders mental health counselling service, you benefit from:

              Expertise: Our counsellors possess a deep understanding of vestibular disorders’ psychological impact, providing informed and effective guidance.

              Tailored Solutions: We create customised plans to address your unique challenges, fostering lasting mental health improvements.

              Compassionate Care: Our team is committed to your well-being, offering empathetic and non-judgmental support.

              Holistic Approach: We consider the interplay of mental and physical health, ensuring a comprehensive and well-rounded support system.

                A lady stood in the kitchen making some cakes, her daughter is stood behind her smiling as her mother has started tinnitus counselling.

                  Don’t let vestibular disorders control your life. Take the first step towards improved mental health and overall well-being by choosing our specialised national vestibular disorders mental health counselling service.

                    Combined Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy and Mental Health Counselling

                    Being supported by the same counsellor for both Vestibular Disorder Mental Health and Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy can offer several significant benefits to individuals seeking help and guidance in managing their condition. 

                    The continuity of care with the same counsellor establishes a strong foundation of trust and rapport. Developing a solid therapeutic relationship is essential for effective treatment. When individuals work with the same counsellor for both therapies, they can build a deeper level of trust, making them more comfortable discussing their challenges and progress.


                    At our counselling service, we believe in providing comprehensive care that recognises the multifaceted challenges our clients face. Our combined approach of occupational health and mental health counselling aims to empower individuals with vestibular disorders to lead fulfilling lives while effectively managing their condition.

                    Contact us today to discover how our integrated services can make a positive difference in your journey toward well-being.

                    Advantages of Video Counselling:

                    As pioneers in offering specialised mental health counselling for vestibular disorders, we recognise the urgency of making expert guidance accessible to those in need.

                    We are proud to leverage this technology to extend our support and cater to individuals who may otherwise struggle to access the care they deserve.

                    With just three specialists in the entire UK, our video counselling service emerges as an invaluable tool in ensuring that you receive timely, effective, and tailored support on your journey towards well-being.

                    Geographical Accessibility: Video counselling transcends geographical boundaries. Individuals who reside far from the limited specialist locations can now access expert guidance and support without the need for extensive travel.

                    Convenience: Clients can engage in counselling sessions from the comfort of their own homes or preferred environments. This level of convenience reduces the stress and discomfort associated with travel, especially for those who experience vestibular symptoms.

                    Flexible Scheduling: Our video counselling platform allows for flexible scheduling, accommodating clients’ busy lives and potential challenges related to their conditions. This ensures that even those with fluctuating symptoms can receive consistent support.

                      A man who is sat in his wheelchair, he has a complete (paraplegia) spinal cord injury

                      Consistent Support: With video counselling, clients can maintain a consistent relationship with our specialised service, regardless of their physical location. This continuity of care is crucial for effectively managing vestibular disorders.

                      Personalised Attention: Through video sessions, our specialists can provide focused, individualized attention to each client’s unique needs. This level of personalisation enhances the efficacy of our counselling services.

                      Reduced Wait Times: By utilizing video counselling, clients can access our specialised service more promptly, bypassing the long waiting lists that often accompany in-person consultations.


                        These testimonials and success stories illustrate the transformative impact of specialist vestibular counselling & vestibular retraining therapy. The reviews emphasise the potential for positive change and growth in the lives of individuals with chronic pain because of vestibular disorders.

                        “My therapist’s dual expertise helped alleviate my physical symptoms and gave me essential tools to manage the psychological aspects of living with a vestibular disorder. She tailored exercises to my needs, pushing me enough to improve without overwhelming me.”

                        “Living with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) was an overwhelming challenge that not only affected my physical well-being but also took a toll on my mental health.

                        The sudden vertigo attacks and constant fear of triggering them left me anxious and hesitant to engage in daily activities. That’s when I found Verity, a vestibular counsellor who addressed both my physical and emotional needs.”

                        “My counsellor’s firsthand experience with a vestibular disorder made her approach uniquely relatable. She knew the isolating feelings, the struggles with balance and dizziness, and the mental toll it took. This empathy created an immediate bond, and I felt understood in a way that traditional therapists might not fully grasp.”

                        “Verity’s unique combination of mental health counselling and Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) proved to be a lifesaver.

                        In our sessions, she patiently listened to my concerns, fears, and frustrations; her empathetic approach made me feel understood and supported, which played a significant role in improving my overall mental well-being.”

                        A man sat in his wheelchair with a laptop in front of him. He has had a accident which has resulted to him having spinal cord injury counselling

                        Paying Yourself

                        ♣ Start Counselling almost immediately (14+)

                        ♣ No waiting lists or reports

                        ♣ £50 introduction session

                        ♣ £180 Saverplan (3 sessions) 


                        A man sat in his wheelchair in a park. He is sat with his partner and they are talking about spinal cord injury counselling

                        Free Funding

                        ♣ Applications 18+

                        ♣ Most Regions within England
                        & Wales

                        ♣ Discharged as unsuitable for
                        local mental health (IAPT)

                        ♣ Based on exceptional circumstances

                        ♣  Free Assessment Session

                        Contact us to see if you
                        qualify for free funding

                        A man sat in his wheelchair with a laptop in front of him. He has had a accident which has resulted to him having spinal cord injury counselling

                        Other Referrals

                        ♣ Professional Organisations

                        ♣ Mental Health Providers

                        ♣ Friends & Family

                        ♣ Carers

                        ♣ GP’s

                        A elderly man in his 60's sat at his desk at home. He has a tie on and looks relaxed. He has started parkinson's disease counselling.

                        Questions you may wish to ask?

                          Questions About Our Service?

                          What to expect? – your counsellor will understand the issues you may be facing; each person is different; however, in vestibular disorder counselling, common themes are discussed.

                          Therapy – we usually offer counselling that supports resolutions of your current issues and future planning. Some people prefer a longer, more profound form of psychotherapy. We support both modes of counselling.

                          When can I start counselling? – if you pay for sessions, therapy generally starts within a fortnight. If you wanted NHS funding, we would make an application following a free assessment session.

                          No NHS funding application is guaranteed to be successful, and the timeframe is normally between 8 and 12 weeks. 

                          We pride ourselves on providing safe and compassionate Disability Focused Counselling where all individuals, regardless of cultural, gender or sexual identity, can receive equitable mental health services and support.

                          So, if you’re struggling in any way right now, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

                          Who Can Make a Referral?

                          As a specialist service with a wealth of experience, we can support organisations and the general public with excellent Counselling and Psychotherapies.

                          Services for 

                          ♣ Individuals 

                          ♣ Couples

                          ♣ Care-Givers

                          ♣ Family Members

                          ♣ Friends

                          ♣ National Health Services

                          ♣ Mental Health Providers

                          ♣ Universities & Schools

                          ♣ Solicitors & Courts

                          ♣ Insurance Companies

                          ♣ Businesses

                          Free Funding?

                          Usually, your GP will refer you to the local IAPT mental health service. 

                          We can apply for specialist counselling if you have experienced one or more of the following:

                          ⇒ You have been discharged from the local NHS service as unsuitable for their counselling.

                          ⇒ You have been recommended to see a Specialist Tinnitus Counselling Service by IAPT.

                          ⇒ There are some other exceptional circumstances you can tell us about.

                          Talk to us to see if you qualify for a free funding application or self-refer to start the funding process.

                          If applying for free funding, the first session is free.

                          This session is an assessment; it’s the foundation to enable us to make the application with a first-class treatment plan specific to you or the client.

                          Free funding applications are based on your complex needs & exceptional circumstances. 

                          Free funding cannot be guaranteed, and every case is based on its own merits.

                          Supporting Organisations

                          Using vestibular disorder-supporting organisations can provide numerous benefits for individuals affected by tinnitus. Here are some advantages of seeking support from tinnitus organisations:

                          Education and Information: Tinnitus organisations offer valuable resources and information about the condition, including its causes, management strategies, and treatment options. Being well-informed about VD can empower individuals to understand their situation better and make informed decisions about their care.

                          Peer Support: Connecting with others who experience the condition can be incredibly helpful. Vestibular disorder organisations often host support groups or online forums where individuals can share their experiences, exchange coping strategies, and provide emotional support to one another.

                          Coping Techniques: Vestibular disorder organisations may offer workshops, webinars, and other coping strategies that can improve an individual’s ability to handle the challenges associated with vestibular disorders.

                          Specialist Counselling & Psychotherapy Services

                          Showing 23 therapies, if yours is not listed contact us to see if we can support you.

                          Pain & Balance



                          Sensory Loss

                          Sight Loss

                          BSL Counselling

                          Hearing Loss

                          Accidents & Injuries

                          Road Traffic

                          Brain Injuries

                          Spinal Cord


                          Limb Loss

                          Genetic & Hereditary Disorders

                          Cerebral Palsy



                          Downs Syndrome

                          Multiple Sclerosis

                          Brittle Bones (OI)

                          Rare Genetic Disorders


                          Spina Bifida

                          Degenerative Diseases

                          Motor Neurone


                          Neurological Conditions


                          Epilepsy Coaching

                          Autism (ASD)

                          Selective Mutism

                          Vestibular Disorder Mental Health Counselling & Retraining Therapy

                          Welcome to our vestibular disorder mental health counselling service. We understand the unique challenges that individuals facing vestibular disorders encounter.  Our team of dedicated professionals is here to provide tailored support, ensuring you’re not alone on your journey towards improved mental well-being.


                          Our counsellors are experts; why? They also have a vestibular disorder and can support you with empathy and understanding.


                          Contact usSelf-Referral

                          Understanding Vestibular Disorders

                          Vestibular disorders, such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and Ménière’s Disease as examples, can significantly impact adults’ lives.

                          BPPV involves sudden and intense bouts of dizziness triggered by specific head movements. Ménière’s Disease affects hearing and balance, leading to vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. These disorders can disrupt daily routines, causing stress and anxiety.

                          A lady stood in the kitchen making some cakes, her daughter is stood behind her smiling as her mother has started tinnitus counselling.

                          Effects on AdultsBPPV can lead to disorientation, making routine tasks challenging. Ménière’s Disease’s symptoms can create a sense of isolation due to unpredictable vertigo attacks and the potential for hearing impairment.

                          Such experiences can take a toll on emotional well-being and quality of life.

                          Why DisabilityPlus?

                          When you choose our vestibular disorder counselling service, you benefit from the following:

                          Expertise: Our counsellors possess a deep understanding of vestibular disorders’ psychological impact, providing informed and effective guidance.

                          Tailored Solutions: We create customised plans to address your unique challenges, fostering lasting mental health improvements.

                          Compassionate Care: Our team is committed to your well-being, offering empathetic and non-judgmental support.

                          Holistic Approach: We consider the interplay of mental and physical health, ensuring a comprehensive and well-rounded support system.

                          Combined Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy and Mental Health Counselling

                          Being supported by the same counsellor for both Vestibular Disorder Counselling and Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy can offer several significant benefits to individuals seeking help and guidance in managing their condition. 

                          A lady stood in the kitchen making some cakes, her daughter is stood behind her smiling as her mother has started tinnitus counselling.

                          The continuity of care with the same counsellor establishes a strong foundation of trust and rapport. Developing a solid therapeutic relationship is essential for effective treatment. When individuals work with the same counsellor for both therapies, they can build a deeper level of trust, making them more comfortable discussing their challenges and progress.


                          At our counselling service, we believe in providing comprehensive care that recognises the multifaceted challenges our clients face. Our combined approach of occupational health and mental health counselling aims to empower individuals with vestibular disorders to lead fulfilling lives while effectively managing their condition.

                          Contact us today to discover how our integrated services can make a positive difference in your journey toward well-being.


                          These testimonials and success stories illustrate the transformative impact of specialist vestibular disorder counselling & vestibular retraining therapy. The reviews emphasise the potential for positive change and growth in the lives of individuals with chronic pain because of vestibular disorders.

                          “My therapist’s dual expertise helped alleviate my physical symptoms and gave me essential tools to manage the psychological aspects of living with a vestibular disorder. She tailored exercises to my needs, pushing me enough to improve without overwhelming me.”

                          “Verity’s unique combination of mental health counselling and Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) proved to be a lifesaver.

                          In our sessions, she patiently listened to my concerns, fears, and frustrations; her empathetic approach made me feel understood and supported, which played a significant role in improving my overall mental well-being.”

                          “My counsellor’s firsthand experience with a vestibular disorder made her approach uniquely relatable. She knew the isolating feelings, the struggles with balance and dizziness, and the mental toll it took. This empathy created an immediate bond, and I felt understood in a way that traditional therapists might not fully grasp.”

                          “Living with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) was an overwhelming challenge that not only affected my physical well-being but also took a toll on my mental health.

                          The sudden vertigo attacks and constant fear of triggering them left me anxious and hesitant to engage in daily activities. That’s when I found Verity, a vestibular counsellor who addressed both my physical and emotional needs.”

                          A man sat in his wheelchair with a laptop in front of him. He has had a accident which has resulted to him having spinal cord injury counselling

                          Paying Yourself

                          ♣ Start Counselling almost immediately (14+)

                          ♣ No waiting lists or reports

                          ♣ £50 introduction session

                          ♣ £180 Saverplan (3 sessions) 


                          A man sat in his wheelchair in a park. He is sat with his partner and they are talking about spinal cord injury counselling

                          Free Funding

                          ♣ Applications 18+

                          ♣ Most Regions within England
                          Scotland & Wales

                          ♣ Discharged as unsuitable for
                          local mental health (IAPT)

                          ♣ Based on exceptional circumstances

                          ♣  Free Assessment Session

                          Contact us to see if you
                          qualify for a free funding


                          Questions you may wish to ask


                          What to expect? – your counsellor will understand the issues you may be facing; each person is different; however, in vestibular disorder Counselling, common themes are discussed.

                          Therapy – we usually offer counselling that supports resolutions of your current issues and future planning. Some people prefer a longer, more profound form of psychotherapy. We support both modes of counselling.

                          When can I start counselling? – if you pay for sessions, therapy generally starts within a fortnight.

                          NHS Funding – You must have been discharged as not suitable for IAPT counselling through your GP before we can apply for you.

                          If you wanted NHS funding, we would make an application following a free assessment session. 

                          No NHS funding application is guaranteed to be successful, and the timeframe is normally between 8 and 12 weeks. 

                          We pride ourselves on providing safe and compassionate Disability Focused Counselling where all individuals, regardless of cultural, gender or sexual identity, can receive equitable mental health services and support.

                          So, if you’re struggling in any way right now, don’t hesitate to contact us. 


                          Private pay clients are able to choose the focus, duration, and frequency of therapy.

                          Clients are even allowed to choose the length of sessions. Research shows that clients who have to pay something for their treatment have more positive outcomes than those who receive free treatment.

                          Individuals can start their vestibular disorder counselling almost immediately.

                          No waiting lists or reports are being sent to GPs. It’s Confidential.  


                          For the general public, we heavily discounted our session fees. This enables them to access counselling easily at an affordable price.

                          Session Fees for 50 minutes:

                           Initial Session £50

                           Pay as you go £70

                          ♣ Saver3 £180  (3 Sessions)

                          Some people may find that self-paid is just out of reach. If this is the case, let us know, and we can generally help with a payment plan.

                          Free funding

                          Usually, your GP will refer you to the local IAPT mental health service.

                          We can apply for specialist vestibular disorder counselling if you have one or more of the following:

                          ⇒ You have been discharged from the local NHS service as unsuitable for their counselling.

                          ⇒ You have been recommended to see a Specialist VDC or VRT Counselling Service by the local NHS Counselling Service.

                          ⇒ There are some other exceptional circumstances you can tell us about.

                          Talk to us to see if you qualify for a free funding application or self-refer to start the funding process.

                          If applying for free funding, the first session is free.

                          This session is an assessment; it’s the foundation to enable us to make the application with a first-class treatment plan specific to you or the client.

                          Free funding applications are based on your complex needs & exceptional circumstances. 

                          Free funding cannot be guaranteed, and every case is based on its own merits.

                          Support for you from Vestibular Disorder Organisations

                          Vestibular Disorders Association

                          Ménière’s Society

                          Specialist Counselling & Psychotherapy Services

                          Showing 23 therapies, if yours is not listed contact us to see if we can support you.

                          Cerebral Palsy


                          Rare Genetic


                          Motor Neurone

                          Brittle Bones (OI)


                          Epilepsy Counselling

                          BSL Counselling

                          Hearing Loss


                          Couple Counselling

                          Spinal Cord


                          Spina Bifida

                          Limb Loss

                          Road Traffic

                          Brain Injuries

                          Autism (ASD)

                          Downs Syndrome

                          Epilepsy Coaching

                          Selective Mutism

                          Sight Loss



                          Caregivers & Friends/Family

                          Vestibular Disorder Counselling & Vestibular Retraining Therapy

                          Welcome to our vestibular disorders mental health counselling service. We understand the unique challenges that individuals facing vestibular disorders encounter.

                          Our team of dedicated professionals is here to provide tailored support, ensuring you’re not alone on your journey towards improved mental well-being.

                          Our counsellors are experts why? They also have a vestibular disorder and can support you with empathy and understanding.



                          Understanding Vestibular Disorders:

                          Vestibular disorders, such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and Ménière’s Disease as examples, can significantly impact adults’ lives.

                          BPPV involves sudden and intense bouts of dizziness triggered by specific head movements. Ménière’s Disease affects hearing and balance, leading to vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. These disorders can disrupt daily routines, causing stress and anxiety.

                          Effects on Adults

                          BPPV can lead to disorientation, making routine tasks challenging. Ménière’s Disease’s symptoms can create a sense of isolation due to unpredictable vertigo attacks and the potential for hearing impairment.

                          Such experiences can take a toll on emotional well-being and quality of life.

                          A man who is sat in his wheelchair, he has a complete (paraplegia) spinal cord injury

                          Why DisabilityPlus

                          When you choose our vestibular disorder counselling service, you benefit from the following:

                          Expertise: Our counsellors possess a deep understanding of vestibular disorders’ psychological impact, providing informed and effective guidance.

                          Tailored Solutions: We create customised plans to address your unique challenges, fostering lasting mental health improvements.

                          Compassionate Care: Our team is committed to your well-being, offering empathetic and non-judgmental support.

                          Holistic Approach: We consider the interplay of mental and physical health, ensuring a comprehensive and well-rounded support system.

                          A man who is sat in his wheelchair, he has a complete (paraplegia) spinal cord injury

                          Combined Benefits of Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy and Mental Health Counselling

                          Being supported by the same counsellor for both Vestibular Disorder Mental Health and Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy can offer several significant benefits to individuals seeking help and guidance in managing their condition. 

                          The continuity of care with the same counsellor establishes a strong foundation of trust and rapport. Developing a solid therapeutic relationship is essential for effective treatment. When individuals work with the same counsellor for both therapies, they can build a deeper level of trust, making them more comfortable discussing their challenges and progress.

                          When the same counsellor is involved in both therapies, there is streamlined communication between the various aspects of treatment. This reduces the chances of miscommunication or conflicting recommendations. The counsellor can ensure that the mental health and rehabilitation components of the treatment align seamlessly.


                          At our counselling service, we believe in providing comprehensive care that recognises the multifaceted challenges our clients face. Our combined approach of occupational health and mental health counselling aims to empower individuals with vestibular disorders to lead fulfilling lives while effectively managing their condition.

                          Contact us today to discover how our integrated services can make a positive difference in your journey toward well-being.


                          These testimonials and success stories illustrate the transformative impact of specialist vestibular mental health counselling & vestibular retraining therapy.

                          The reviews emphasise the potential for positive change and growth in the lives of individuals with chronic pain because of vestibular disorders.

                          “Living with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) was an overwhelming challenge that not only affected my physical well-being but also took a toll on my mental health.

                          The sudden vertigo attacks and constant fear of triggering them left me anxious and hesitant to engage in daily activities. That’s when I found Verity, a vestibular counsellor who addressed both my physical and emotional needs.”

                          “My therapist’s dual expertise helped alleviate my physical symptoms and gave me essential tools to manage the psychological aspects of living with a vestibular disorder.

                          She tailored exercises to my needs, pushing me enough to improve without overwhelming me.”

                          “My counsellor’s firsthand experience with a vestibular disorder made her approach uniquely relatable.

                          She knew the isolating feelings, the struggles with balance and dizziness, and the mental toll it took. This empathy created an immediate bond, and I felt understood in a way that traditional therapists might not fully grasp.”

                          A man sat in his wheelchair with a laptop in front of him. He has had a accident which has resulted to him having spinal cord injury counselling

                          Paying Yourself

                          Start Counselling almost immediately (14+)

                          No waiting lists or reports

                          £50 introduction session

                          £180 Saverplan (3 sessions)

                          £70 Pay-as-you-go 


                          A man sat in his wheelchair in a park. He is sat with his partner and they are talking about spinal cord injury counselling

                          Free Funding

                          ♣ Applications 18+

                          ♣ Most Regions within England
                          Scotland & Wales

                          ♣ Discharged as unsuitable for
                          local mental health (IAPT)

                          ♣ Based on exceptional circumstances

                          ♣  Free Assessment Session

                          Contact us to see if you
                          qualify for a free funding

                          A man sat in his wheelchair with a laptop in front of him. He has had a accident which has resulted to him having spinal cord injury counselling

                          Professional Referrals


                          Employment Support

                          Mental Health Providers

                          IAPT Providers


                          Schools & Universities

                          DisabilityPlus changes futures for the better with accessible psychotherapies


                          How do we support you?

                          Online Sessions – we offer video sessions; why?

                          Few counsellors specialise in supporting people with vestibular disorder counselling. By providing video sessions, we can help you wherever you live.

                          What to expect? – your counsellor will understand the issues you may be facing; each person is different, but common themes are discussed in therapy.

                          Therapy – we usually offer tinnitus counselling that supports resolutions of your current issues and future planning. Some people prefer a longer, more profound form of psychotherapy.

                          We support both modes of counselling.

                          When can I start counselling? – if you are paying for sessions, sessions generally start within a fortnight.

                          If you wanted NHS funding, we would make an application following a free assessment session.

                          No NHS funding application is guaranteed to be successful, and the timeframe is normally between 8 and 12 weeks. 

                          Clients must have been discharged as not suitable for NHS local mental health (IAPT) through your GP for an NHS application from us.

                          We pride ourselves on providing safe and compassionate counselling where all individuals, regardless of cultural, gender or sexual identity, can receive equitable mental health services and support.





                          Lady with a red jacket, she is in a wheelchair looking forwards with a warm smile. She has her laptop, she is about to start a disability counselling session.

                          Counselling Services

                          If your disability or long-term condition is not within our services below, contact us as I am sure we can help.